HomeDanish PoliticsModerates likely secure seat in EU Parliament in historic election

Moderates likely secure seat in EU Parliament in historic election

It appears that the ruling party Moderates secure a seat in the European Parliament at their first ever EU election. According to forecasts from both DR and TV 2, the party is expected to receive around 6.0 percent of the votes, which should be enough to obtain one seat. The Moderates already have a representative in the European Parliament, Bergur Løkke Rasmussen, who was originally elected for Venstre in 2019 but has since switched to Moderates. However, he is not the party’s lead candidate this time; that honor goes to businesswoman Stine Bosse. With only one seat on the horizon, Bergur Løkke Rasmussen risks having to leave Brussels, depending on who receives the most personal votes, which will only be decided on Monday.

The party leadership had hoped to secure two seats, but Minister of Culture Jakob Engel-Schmidt nonetheless expressed satisfaction with the prospect of a single seat. At the Moderates’ election party on Sunday evening, he said: “I am incredibly grateful, so thank you to everyone who voted for the Moderates. We are two years and four days old as a party, we had a great parliamentary election. There is no party in Danish history as young as us that has succeeded in being elected to the European Parliament. If we succeed, I will be incredibly grateful.”

The forecasts, published around 11 pm on Sunday evening, are based on polling station measurements, counted votes, and data from polls. However, the final results have not yet been determined. Earlier in the evening, the polling station measurements showed a more unclear picture for the Moderates. DR’s measurement gave the party 6.2 percent of the votes, which would secure them one seat, while TV 2’s measurement with 5.5 percent would not give them any seats in the parliament.

Read the danish version here

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