In a new book that delves into the alcohol culture within Danish top politics, former Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen is highlighted as a central figure. The book, written by Jacob Pedersen, a political science candidate and journalist, is titled ‘Political Alcohol Levels – Stories about Alcohol in the Center of Power’ and contains interviews with 16 current and former top politicians.
Jacob Pedersen explains that his intention with the book was not to point fingers or moralize, but rather to examine the role alcohol plays in the political culture at Christiansborg (the Danish Parliament building). He notes that Lars Løkke Rasmussen is often mentioned in the conversations, revealing that alcohol has been used as a tool in political negotiations.
This is not the only instance where Løkke’s relationship with alcohol has been discussed. Several politicians have previously described how alcohol seems to have played a role in his political work. Kristian Thulesen Dahl, former chairman of the Danish People’s Party (Dansk Folkeparti), for example, mentions that he never drove to meetings with Løkke at the Prime Minister’s residence, indicating an expectation of alcohol consumption.
The book also describes how the alcohol culture at Christiansborg has changed over time. Previously, it was more common to drink beer for lunch and sit in the canteen, Snapstinget, surrounded by cigarette smoke. Today, larger alcohol consumption more often takes place in the pubs around Borgen (Christiansborg), but alcohol still plays a role in political negotiations.
Lars Løkke Rasmussen has not wanted to comment on the content of the new book. However, the book provides insight into how alcohol can influence political processes and decisions, which can contribute to a broader understanding of the dynamics in Danish politics.