On Sunday afternoon, users across the country experienced problems logging into MitID, which is a central part of digital identification for Danes. According to MitID’s own website and information from the Digitalization Agency (Digitaliseringsstyrelsen), the service is currently unavailable for all users. The issue was first reported on the Digitalization Agency’s website at 1:51 PM, stating that no one could log in. A task force at Nets, which is responsible for operating MitID, was initiated at 1:15 PM to address and resolve the challenge. An update on the situation is promised at 2:45 PM, or as soon as there is new information to report.
MitID is a crucial service for accessing a range of public and private services in Denmark, and the outage is therefore affecting many citizens and businesses that rely on the system for daily tasks and approvals. The Digitalization Agency and Nets have not disclosed the exact cause of the outage, but they are working intensively to get the system back up and running. For now, users have to wait for further information and hope that access to MitID will be restored as soon as possible.