A new report from Children’s Aid (Børns VilkÃ¥r) reveals that social media has become an integrated part of many Danish children’s lives much earlier than expected. According to the study, almost half of all children in Denmark create their first social media profile before turning ten, and almost all have a profile before they reach the age of 13. The report, based on responses from 2153 children in 4th and 7th grade, as well as in-depth interviews with 68 children, shows that 48 percent of the children had a social media profile before their tenth birthday. This happens despite the fact that most popular platforms such as Instagram and TikTok officially set the age limit to 13 years old.
Rasmus Kjeldahl, director of Children’s Aid, expresses concern about this trend. “It is alarming that so many children are using platforms not designed for them. These environments can be particularly challenging for children, and it is easy for them to bypass age verifications,” he says. The study also points out that children primarily join social media to feel included in social communities. “If the majority in the class is on TikTok, the remaining feel pressured to join in order not to be left out,” explains Kjeldahl.
Children’s Aid recommends that parents and schools play a more active role in regulating children’s use of social media. The organization suggests that parents respect the age limits and work together to create forums where they can discuss the use of social media. In addition, the providers of the platforms should take more responsibility to ensure that their services are appropriate and safe for children. “It is important that stricter regulations be put in place on an EU level, as we are facing large economic interests that can be difficult to fight against alone,” Kjeldahl adds.
The report from Children’s Aid focuses on a growing issue and highlights the need for a collective effort from both parents, schools, and legislators to protect children in the digital world.