In a new episode of the popular American animated series “South Park,” the character Eric Cartman will try to lose weight with the help of the diabetes medication Ozempic from Novo Nordisk, which is also known for its slimming effect. This was revealed in a recently released trailer from the streaming service Paramount+. The episode, titled “The End of Overweight,” will premiere on May 24 in the USA and Canada, and will later be available worldwide via Paramount+.
According to a description from the magazine People, the weight loss medication will take the town of South Park by storm in the upcoming episode. The story takes a turn when Cartman is denied access to the medication, leading him and his friends to take matters into their own hands to obtain access to the drug semaglutide, which is an active ingredient in Ozempic. This plot development in “South Park” is not only a source of humor but also a commentary on the current debate about medical solutions to obesity problems and their accessibility.
The series is known for its satirical approach to social and political issues, and it seems that this episode will be no exception.