In a remarkable development, three young male lions have made the journey from Copenhagen Zoo to their new home in Knuthenborg Safari Park on the island of Lolland. These lions, all around one year old, mark the first male lions in the park’s history. Knuthenborg Safari Park has announced that the lions will become part of a larger lion pride, which also includes three female lions that were previously evacuated from Ukraine following the Russian invasion. This integration is part of the park’s long-term plan to create a robust and natural environment for the lions.
Christoffer Knuth, director of Knuthenborg Safari Park, expresses great satisfaction with the addition of the new male lions. “They fit in well with us. Lions naturally live in larger prides, and it’s great to see our lion pride growing significantly,” he said in a press release. The plans for the lions do not stop here. In 2025, both male and female lions will be moved to a new, large natural enclosure within the Safari Park’s boundaries. This enclosure will cover an area of 40,000 square meters and will have the capacity to house up to 15 lions. This step is part of a larger vision to expand and improve the living conditions for the majestic animals in Knuthenborg Safari Park.
This development is not only a benefit for the park, but also for the conservation of lions in general, as it contributes to maintaining a healthy genetic diversity among lion populations in European zoos. Knuthenborg Safari Park looks forward to welcoming more lions in the future as part of their continued efforts to promote animal welfare and species conservation.