The celebration of the last day of school at Søborg School took an unexpected turn when a student had to go to the emergency room. The incident, which also led to a police report, was confirmed by both the school and the Copenhagen West Police to B.T.
“Søborg School takes the incident very seriously, and procedures for the last day of school will now be reviewed to prevent anything similar from happening again,” said school principal Johan Rønne in a written statement.
As is customary, there were games, candy throwing, and water play at the school in Gladsaxe Municipality. Unfortunately, a student had replaced the water in their water pistol with a highly corrosive cleaning agent.
“The cleaning agent was in a room that is normally locked, but which the graduating students had been allowed to store their bags, candies, and water pistols in,” explained school principal Johan Rønne.
Fortunately, no children were hit in the face, but several got the liquid on their skin and had to be rinsed off under running water. One student got so much of the liquid on their skin that they were sent to the emergency room as a precaution.
“As it stands right now, no students will suffer any consequences from the incident, and all students are back in school,” Rønne continued. The Copenhagen West Police informed that the student who ended up in the emergency room was discharged after treatment.
In addition, the parents of the graduating student with the water pistol were quickly involved.
“The student is fully aware of the seriousness of the offense. The student is excluded from coming to school this week except to participate in exams,” said Rønne, who is also aware of the police report against the student.
The police reported that the report is about a student around 2 pm last Friday allegedly spraying a liquid that caused a burning sensation on the skin on another student at Søborg School. They are now in contact with the parties involved and investigating the incident in collaboration with the school and the municipality.