Kolding is the sixth city to sell out for Grøn, and soon Esbjerg and Aalborg are expected to follow suit. It’s starting to get close if you want to get a ticket for this summer’s Grøn festival. The concert in Kolding has indeed sold out, making it the sixth city where tickets have been snatched up. Only in Esbjerg and Aalborg can tickets still be found. This was announced by the organizers behind Grøn – formerly known as Grøn koncert – in a press release on Saturday. Ticket sales for this year’s tour have broken records, and it is also the first time ever that six cities have sold out so early in the year. Only tickets for Esbjerg and Aalborg remain, but the last two Grøn cities are expected to reach the same status soon as the other six locations in the country.
“We expect Aalborg and Esbjerg to join within the next month. Thus, for the second year in a row, we can report full houses all the way around,” said Theis Pedersen, the fundraising manager for the Muscular Dystrophy Foundation, in the press release. The profits from the Grøn concerts go to the Muscular Dystrophy Foundation and support the foundation’s work for people with disabilities and its goal of creating space for differences in society.
Last year, Grøn celebrated its 40th anniversary, and it was the first time that all 180,500 tickets for the concert were sold out. This year’s program features artists Blæst, Burhan G, Hugorm, Jada, Kesi, Scarlet Pleasure, Tobias Rahim, and TV 2. The tour runs from July 18th to July 28th, visiting eight cities. Starting in TĂ¥rnby on July 18th, the concert then travels to Jutland, passing through Kolding on July 19th, Aarhus on July 20th, Aalborg on July 21st, and Esbjerg on July 25th. The tour then goes to Odense on July 26th and Næstved on July 27th, before ending the party in Valby on July 28th.