Venstre’s (Right) candidate for the European Parliament, Alexandra Sasha, announced on Thursday via her Facebook profile that she is withdrawing as a candidate for the EU elections. The decision came following a series of revelations from B.T. about her connections to Russia. However, even though Sasha has announced her withdrawal from both the election and politics, her name will still appear on the ballot papers on June 9th as they have already been printed. Sasha herself seems to be aware that her name will remain on the ballot papers. On her Instagram profile, she shared a message from a follower who wrote that they will still vote for her. Sasha responded to the message and confirmed that she can still be voted for in the election. It is still unclear whether this message means that Sasha may not withdraw as a candidate after all if she receives enough votes to win a seat. B.T. has tried to obtain a comment from Sasha to clarify the situation, but she has not responded before publication.
Alexandra Sasha decided to withdraw after revelations about her role in the European Russian Forum. According to Russia expert Flemming Splidsboel, this forum functions as a pro-Russian and Putin-friendly “influence forum.” In addition, Sasha has had meetings with Boris Titov, a key figure in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle. Titov is known by The Anti-Corruption Foundation for being Putin’s puppet and for his involvement in corruption related to Putin’s properties. B.T. also revealed that Sasha, in a voting test, expressed that the EU should not donate the necessary weapons to Ukraine. After these revelations, her page on Venstre’s (Right) website was deleted shortly before noon. Therefore, it will be interesting to see if Alexandra Sasha ends up accepting a potential mandate despite her official withdrawal.