In the weekend, we can expect downpours and thunderstorms all over the country. A wet and unsettled weekend is in store for Denmark, with both Friday and Saturday offering the possibility of downpours and thunderstorms across the country. Sunday will be a bit calmer with fewer showers, but still with a chance of summer temperatures. According to Lars Henriksen, the duty forecaster at the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), there is very unstable air over Denmark, which can lead to heavy showers in a short period of time. DMI has therefore issued a warning of thunderstorms and local downpours for larger parts of Zealand, while the rest of the country has received a risk notification. A downpour is defined as more than 15 millimeters of water falling in 30 minutes. Despite the risk of downpours, temperatures will remain summer-like with some or a lot of sunshine. “Early in the day there are many clouds, but as the day progresses, more and more gaps appear in the cloud cover allowing for sunshine. Temperatures will range between 17 and 23 degrees,” says Lars Henriksen.
Saturday’s weather will resemble Friday’s with the possibility of very heavy showers in some areas, especially in North and East Zealand. “It will be a Saturday with downpours, but also summer-like warmth. Around 20-25 degrees where it gets warmest,” Henriksen adds. For both Friday and Saturday, the rain will decrease as the evening progresses, which may bring hope of dry weather for the partygoers in Copenhagen participating in the Distortion festival. Sunday stands out for having fewer showers and a light to fresh northwest and west wind. This will result in slightly cooler weather, but still with temperatures that can reach up to 23 degrees in some places, especially in the eastern part of the country.