Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has appealed for calm after an incident at Kultorvet. The Prime Minister expressed the need for calm “both of body and soul” after an incident at Kultorvet in Copenhagen on Friday. In a written statement to Ritzau, she assured that she is safe after the episode. “I am saddened and shaken by the incident yesterday, but otherwise, I am safe,” she said. “For once, I need peace. Both for body and soul. I need to be with my family and I need to be myself for a bit.” The Prime Minister also expressed her gratitude for the many well-wishes and support she has received.
The incident took place on Friday, where a man was arrested shortly after hitting the Prime Minister with a clenched fist on her right forearm. He was charged with a violation of section 119 of the Criminal Code, which deals with violence or threats of violence against a public servant in function. On Saturday afternoon, the man was brought before the Court in Frederiksberg for a pretrial detention hearing, where he was remanded in custody until June 20. He pleads not guilty to the charge of violence.