Cancer Society has just distributed 99 million Danish Kroner to 46 different research projects, the organization announced in a press release. These projects will focus on improving the treatment of late effects after cancer diseases. According to Jesper Fisker, CEO of Cancer Society, the funds come from the many fundraisers that Danes contribute to every year. He emphasizes that research is a core task for the organization, and the generous donations enable further support for research projects. “These are projects that in the future will give us new knowledge that can lead to new treatments, new diagnostics, better prevention, and generally better options for cancer patients,” says Jesper Fisker in the press release.
The selected research projects cover a wide range of aspects of cancer, from late effects to early laboratory research. The largest grant, 4.5 million Danish Kroner, has been awarded to a project at Odense University Hospital (OUH). Here, researchers will investigate a new treatment concept, where aerosolized chemotherapy is injected into the abdominal cavity under pressure, with the hope of improving survival for patients with stomach cancer. There is also a focus on incurable cancer types, which have an urgent need for better treatment options. For example, three projects will investigate the brain cancer type glioblastoma, which is the most common form of brain cancer in adults with 300 new cases annually in Denmark.
Other projects will focus on bladder cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer. These funds will hopefully contribute to significant advancements in cancer research and improve treatment options for cancer patients in the future.