Kira Marie Peter-Hansen, member of the European Parliament for SF (The Socialist People’s Party), has declared her strong commitment to ensuring that the EU’s climate goals for 2030 are met. As the top vote-getter in the election with 178,438 personal votes, Peter-Hansen says she will not leave the parliament prematurely and will stay in Brussels for the next five years to work towards the ambitious climate goals. “When I was elected in 2019, we had ten years to achieve our 2030 climate goals. Now there are 5.5 years left, and we just have to do everything we can to reach them. I have a responsibility to ensure that,” Peter-Hansen says. She also assures that she will stay in Brussels even if SF leader Pia Olsen Dyhr asks her to run for the Danish Parliament before the next election in 2026. “We have plenty of talented parliamentary candidates, so they do not need me at home at all,” she adds.
In Sunday’s election, SF stood out as the largest party with 17.4 percent of the vote. In addition to Kira Marie Peter-Hansen, Villy Søvndal and Rasmus Nordqvist were also elected to the European Parliament for SF. Peter-Hansen promises that the many voters who have voted for her can expect her to work for red and green results in the EU. “I will go to Brussels early tomorrow morning with Villy and Rasmus and ensure that we get the important positions and sit on the key committees and get involved in legislative work,” she says, emphasizing the importance of being a key player in the upcoming power struggle in Brussels over Europe’s direction in the next five years. Peter-Hansen expresses great gratitude for her high personal vote count and sees it as a vote of confidence from the voters. “What is so incredibly amazing about the personal votes is that people have not only said they trust this party, they have actually said ‘we trust you, and we believe you can represent my vote’,” she humbly says.