The Energy Agency (Energistyrelsen) has upgraded the sector preparedness level for the energy sector to yellow. The Energy Agency has requested Energinet to increase the sector preparedness level for the energy sector from green to yellow. This is due to a changed threat assessment indicating a moderate threat to the energy infrastructure. The green status indicates a low threat, while yellow means that there are actors with both capacity and intention to carry out attacks or other harmful activities. However, there are no specific indications of planned attacks. Under normal circumstances, the preparedness level would be white. The next levels are green, yellow, orange, and finally red, indicating a very high threat. By increasing the preparedness to yellow, the Energy Agency signals to companies in the electricity and gas sectors to be extra vigilant. Energinet, a state-owned transmission company, is responsible for coordinating preparedness in the electricity and gas sectors during a crisis situation.
The Energy Agency also recommends various preparedness measures, which may include adjusting access requirements to electricity and gas facilities as well as increased monitoring. However, the specific measures vary from facility to facility and are not publicly communicated for security reasons. The upgrade in preparedness comes in the wake of a recent increase in the threat level for destructive cyber attacks. On June 4, the authorities raised the threat level from low to moderate during a press conference with Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen (V) and Thomas Flarup, head of the Center for Cyber Security.
Flarup emphasized that destructive cyber attacks are designed to create significant disruptions with serious consequences. Minister of Climate, Energy and Utilities Lars Aagaard (M) commented that the new threat assessments highlight the importance of protecting the energy infrastructure. Aagaard stated that the elevation of preparedness to yellow in the electricity and gas sectors is a natural reaction. In May, the Danish Security and Intelligence Service (PET) and the Danish Defence Intelligence Service (FE) also warned about an increasing threat of hybrid attacks and cyber attacks.
Lars Aagaard has sent a new legislation on strengthened preparedness in the energy sector out for consultation to enhance security against external threats. The law will include more sectors and tighten requirements for companies both technically and physically. It is important to note that sector preparedness should not be confused with the EU’s crisis levels for the gas sector, which range from “early warning” to “emergency”. Sector preparedness also does not affect the general supply situation, which is currently stable across energy sources. Last week, the Energy Agency lowered the crisis level for the gas sector after two years of “early warning”.