Danes are urged to be prepared for crisis situations with supplies for three days. In light of increasing security threats from Russia, it is now recommended that Danes should be able to sustain themselves for three days with supplies such as water, food, and medicine. Minister of Defence Troels Lund Poulsen (V) revealed the new preparedness advice during his speech at the Folkemødet (People’s Meeting), and these recommendations are part of the authorities’ preparations for hybrid warfare and other crisis situations.
“We need water and food to sustain ourselves for three days. We need to ensure we have the necessary medicine and first aid. That we can stay warm when it’s cold. And make sure, we can manage without electricity,” stated Troels Lund Poulsen.
Based on security assessments from authorities and intelligence services, the Minister of Defence emphasizes that there is no immediate threat of a conventional attack on Denmark. However, the risk of a hybrid attack, such as one that could disrupt the power supply, is present.
“It is important to say that we probably will not need the advice in practice. But in the current situation, it is important to be prepared,” said the minister.
The new preparedness advice will be launched later on Sunday, followed by a major information campaign. The purpose is to inform citizens about the necessary steps they should take to prepare for a crisis situation. Troels Lund Poulsen points out that if the population is well-prepared, it will facilitate the work of the authorities in handling the crisis.
“It is important that you are able to take care of yourself and your immediate family, so the authorities can focus their efforts where they are most needed,” he explained.
In our neighboring countries, preparedness campaigns targeting citizens have been an established practice for a longer period. Troels Lund Poulsen acknowledges that it may feel like Denmark is behind in this area. As a minister, he has balanced communication to avoid creating unnecessary fear, but at the same time, the security landscape has become more complex over the past year.