The Evolution Museum at Knuthenborg Safari Park is facing an unexpected challenge with the arrival of a new dinosaur skeleton. The skeleton, originating from a long-necked dinosaur measuring up to 15 meters, was supposed to be exhibited on Tuesday but the delivery has been delayed. According to, the presentation has been postponed to Thursday due to the delay.
The skeleton is being transported to the museum in thousands of pieces, but the exact location of the parts is currently unknown. “Allegedly, they are somewhere between Zurich and Lolland, but new updates keep coming,” says Christoffer Knuth, owner and director of Knuthenborg Safari Park, to He adds that he has been promised that the skeleton will arrive in Denmark on Tuesday.
The Evolution Museum recently announced that they will exhibit the skull of a newly discovered dinosaur species, Lokiceratops rangiformis. This species, which lived over 78 million years ago, is named after the Nordic god Loki, as the fossils will only be exhibited in Denmark.
The museum, which opened on April 1, 2023, houses a collection of unique and authentic fossils from dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals. At the opening, the collection was valued at a three-digit million amount. Among the highlights is the skeleton of the allosaurus “Big Joe,” a nine-meter-long and one and a half ton heavy carnivore that lived 155 million years ago. This skeleton is particularly notable for its well-preserved condition and completeness, as highlighted on the Knuthenborg Safari Park website.
With these new additions, the Evolution Museum continues to enrich its exhibits, despite the logistical challenges that may arise along the way.