A new future for Pusher Street: 85 million kroner for transformation
Pusher Street in Christiania is set to undergo a significant transformation with a budget of 85 million kroner. The plan, a collaboration between the Christiania Foundation (Fonden Fristaden Christiania), the Municipality of Copenhagen (Københavns Kommune), and the state, aims to change the area’s reputation from a hub for hash trade to a cultural gathering point. The money will be invested in new playgrounds and gardens, with the ambition of creating an area for creative expression.
Hulda Mader, spokesperson for Christiania, told DR (Danish Broadcasting Corporation) that the area has a lot to offer, for families, young people, and adults alike. She points out that Christiania is centrally located in Copenhagen and has beautiful surroundings that can be better utilized. The plan is for half of the budget to be covered by the parties themselves, with the remaining portion to be financed through external funds.
Pusher Street has long been known for its hash trade, but both residents and politicians have long wanted to change this. In March, it was decided to dig up the street, and just a month later, the last cobblestones were removed. Since then, the residents of Christiania have been planning the future appearance of the street.
Several ideas have been presented along the way. For example, there have been proposals to establish a repair café where broken items can be fixed, and a thrift store. These initiatives aim to attract people who have previously avoided the area due to violence and drug trade.
However, the transformation has also had negative consequences. Ralph McEwan, the financial manager at Café Nemoland, told DR that the café’s turnover has halved since April. The former customers who used to come to “chill out” now stay away.
This extensive revitalization of Pusher Street aims to create a safe and creative environment that can attract a broader range of people and breathe new life into the area.