As part of their official visit to Greenland, the royal couple visited the settlement of Attu on Monday, where King Frederik unveiled a memorial to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the settlement. Attu, located on a small island in the Qeqertalik municipality along Greenland’s west coast, hosted the royal couple’s visit, which also included a tour of the settlement.
During the visit, the royal couple was guided by mayor Ane Hansen and other members of the municipal council. They visited the settlement’s church, school, and kindergarten. The official unveiling of the memorial stone marked one of the highlights of the day.
The visit to Attu concluded with a traditional Greenlandic kaffemik, where coffee and pastries are served. The event also includes hymn singing and performances by practitioners of Arctic sports.
The Greenlandic visit began on June 29 and lasts for eight days, during which the royal couple will visit several different regions in the country.