HomeInternational Newsudvekslingsoperation vil finde sted i dag under koordineringen af vores organisation. Vores...

udvekslingsoperation vil finde sted i dag under koordineringen af vores organisation. Vores organisation har påtaget sig en stor formidlingsrolle i denne udvekslingsoperation, som er den mest omfattende i den seneste periode.”USA har endnu ikke bekræftet aftalen, ligesom Wall Street Journal, som har arbejdet for Gershkovichs frigivelse. Evan Gershkovich blev arresteret i 2023 og anklaget for spionage, mens Paul Whelan blev tilbageholdt i 2022 og efterfølgende idømt 16 års fængsel for spionage.USA har klassificeret begge indsatser som “urimeligt tilbageholdte.” Ifølge Reuters landede et russisk militærfly, som menes at være forbundet med fangeudvekslingen, torsdag i Ankara.En tidligere fangeudveksling mellem Rusland og USA fandt sted i december 2022, hvor den amerikanske basketballspiller Brittney Griner vendte tilbage til USA efter at have tilbragt 10 måneder i russisk fængsel. Hun blev udvekslet mod den russiske våbenhandler Viktor Bout. Griner blev arresteret i en russisk lufthavn samme år, og hun tilstod senere sigtelser relateret til opdagelsen af cannabisudvundet olie i sin bagage.Forholdet mellem USA og Rusland har forblevet anspændt, især efter Moskvas invasion af Ukraine i februar 2022. Siden da har USA og dets allierede pålagt sanktioner mod tusindvis af russiske mål, men Ruslands eksportfokuserede økonomi på 2,2 billioner dollars har vist sig at være mere modstandsdygtig end hverken Moskva eller Vesten havde forudset.Der vil komme flere opdateringer i sagen.)))” config=”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”]

Russia has released Wall Street Journal journalist Evan Gershkovich and former American Marine Paul Whelan as part of a significant prisoner exchange between Moscow and the West, according to the Turkish government. The agreement, brokered by Turkey, involves seven different countries and includes 24 adults and two children.

The Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MIT) announced in a statement, “A [prisoner] exchange operation will take place today under the coordination of our organization. Our organization has taken on a substantial mediation role in this exchange operation, which is the most extensive in recent times.”

As of now, the United States has not confirmed the agreement, nor has the Wall Street Journal, which has been advocating for Gershkovich’s release. Evan Gershkovich was arrested in 2023 and accused of espionage, while Paul Whelan was detained in 2022 and subsequently sentenced to 16 years in prison for espionage. The U.S. has classified both cases as “wrongfully detained.”

According to Reuters, a Russian military plane, believed to be connected to the prisoner exchange, landed in Ankara on Thursday. A previous prisoner exchange between Russia and the U.S. occurred in December 2022, when American basketball player Brittney Griner returned to the United States after spending 10 months in a Russian prison. She was exchanged for Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout. Griner was arrested at a Russian airport that same year and later confessed to charges related to the discovery of cannabis oil in her luggage.

Relations between the U.S. and Russia have remained tense, particularly following Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Since then, the U.S. and its allies have imposed sanctions on thousands of Russian targets, but Russia’s export-driven economy, valued at $2.2 trillion, has proven more resilient than either Moscow or the West had anticipated.

Further updates on the situation are expected.

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