The Denmark Championship in Balloon Flying continues to be challenged by the capricious Danish summer weather. On Friday evening, balloon pilots were again forced to remain on the ground, as unstable weather conditions led the organizers to cancel the scheduled third flight stage. This marks the third time that weather has interrupted the competition.
The 12 balloon pilots competing for the title this year have Gram Castle (Gram Slot) in Southern Jutland as the base for their flights. The event spans four days and consists of seven flights, but so far only two successful launches have occurred, on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Windy conditions have already prevented both Thursday morning and Friday morning flights.
The organizers expressed their hope for better weather conditions on Facebook but had to raise the black flag at the event center on Friday evening—a signal indicating yet another cancellation. The last two planned flights are scheduled to take place on Saturday, which will also mark the conclusion of this year’s championship.
The competition requires great precision, as pilots aim to get as close as possible to a designated target. However, there are many challenges, as hot air balloons cannot be steered like cars and rely on the wind for direction.
Last year’s championship was also affected by tricky weather, resulting in the cancellation of six out of eight planned flights. Despite this, the essential two flights were completed, allowing for the declaration of a winner. Kim Larsen, who became the Danish champion in 2023, is also among this year’s participants and currently holds sixth place. In the leading position is balloon pilot Camilla Sørensen.
With the weather forecast being an uncertain participant, the balloon pilots still look forward to Saturday’s decisive flights, hoping that the whims of the sky will be more favorable.