Amira Smajic, who gained attention as the main subject in the prominent TV 2 documentary “The Black Swan” (“Den Sorte Svane”), has been sentenced to three months in prison by the Court in Herning (Retten i Herning). Smajic was found guilty of document forgery, specifically for providing false information in relation to a bankruptcy petition for a hair salon in Ikast in 2019. The 36-year-old business lawyer will serve one month of the sentence unconditionally, while the remaining two months are conditional.
The case involves a hair salon that Smajic allegedly advised in her capacity as a business lawyer. According to the ruling, Smajic, along with a co-defendant, a 46-year-old former director of the salon, submitted a fake employment contract in connection with the bankruptcy petition. The purported employee had never worked at the salon, yet an amount of 124,850 Danish kroner (approximately 18,000 USD) was calculated for wages and holiday pay for this individual.
The court chose to acquit the co-defendant director, as the evidence did not indicate that she was aware of the document forgery that Smajic was responsible for. Despite her absence from court due to illness, Smajic maintained her innocence and denied any wrongdoing.
Smajic’s lawyer, Berit Holmstrøm, has stated that she will consider whether to appeal the ruling to a higher court. This leaves open the possibility for the case to be re-evaluated within the judicial system.