A German truck was detained by police in Karlslunde, Denmark, on Thursday after the driver parked across multiple spaces meant for regular cars. Upon knocking on the truck’s cabin, officers from the Eastern Heavy Vehicle Center (Tungvognscenter Øst) uncovered a series of violations that led to fines totaling nearly 300,000 Danish kroner (approximately $42,000 USD).
The police discovered that the driver’s license recorded in the truck’s tachograph belonged to the driver’s son, and two other driver’s licenses were also found in the vehicle. Further investigation revealed that the driver, a Turkish citizen, lacked the necessary permit to legally transport goods within the European Union.
These violations resulted in fines of 101,000 kroner, which were paid immediately. The German transport company subsequently sent two new drivers to Denmark to continue the shipment; however, these individuals also lacked the required permits. This led to additional fines of 191,000 kroner, with some fines paid on the spot.
The truck remains in police custody as the investigation continues.